Wednesday, November 29, 2006


To realize a dream of you
and know the abstract reality,
you are a memory
from tomorrow.
Like a yesterday.
In tranquility it means a great something,
that only Einstein
can define,
although ultimately the dynamics
of time and space, the same,
a sweet science of poetics,
to new to name.

It is by my wits that I am a man
but I have known great pain,
to lose a great strife

and a son,,,,,, :
To lose sight,
and regain only translucence
and almost to lose my life,
and my mind...
But all bravery in the night
goes unseen,
except in the light
of the full moon
with only your heart eyes
you read this,
now is the reason why.

I have won the fight
and then I write
a love song,
to my Queen,
whom I forever belong.
I crossed the impossible distance
and all resistance,
to the known physics,
to find you
as my prize.
The battle victorious,
the war is over,,,done
only now us.
You to heal the wound
with your kiss,
that creates for you the first,
the man to be your Prince...
From the many stars
of the event horizon,
A King arises
from the ashes
to beg you,,,plead you,
give unto me your sweet clasp...
only what is thy Hand
to do,
never be apart,
forever within you.
in my Heart,
Like a lightining bolt
to the Sky

If I could be in two places

When you imagine me
can you feel
sitting on my lap
face to face
your legs wrapped around my back...
holding my body closes to yours
feel me hold your face
in my hands
close to my face.
do you feel me
searching your soul
through your eyes
softly kissing away
your sadness
and loneliness
can you feel
my fingers in your hair
my heart beating
close to your chest
do you feel me
to be swallowed up
to be consumed
to be with you.
I am......


Do you know what anguish is,
In My Kabuki
it is a pretty little girl
who is terrified of insecurity
it can be
full of ghosts
but white faced actors
they never scared me.

I loved them, as I do you;
then, tenderly...
Yet I only see;
a room, half empty
full of ghosts that now and then, scare me.
I have lost Agility.
Why Grace why?

I feel like an animal who feels
like he's about to die,,,
alone, and for no reason.

A touching romantic Kabuki.
It is
"The Black Swan" story
sadly, the truth
The ending of myth
Eros, lost now his Psyche
so terribly lonely
screaming, starving to death
She;( You) lost The God of Love
because You refused to see,,
I am the Ghost
in white face.

ka bu ki (k ñ-bOO'kEE, kuh-)

A Japanese popular drama in which gestures, dances, and songs
are performed in a formal and stylized manner.


An Angel Sad is Bad

The love in your heart
moves me to write in the dark
days after we talk
I'm feeling a little drunk
intoxicated on loving mothers milk

you make me feel whole
you spin my head and open my soul
you bring gladness
to these blind eyes
a workers rainy days
like the burnt fields of Kansas

Your love could bring a sweet life
yet is eating honey with a sharp knife
you're a loving Gods gift
Your love the greatest wealth
to the end of life, and the last breath

The love that threw you away
was a foolish little boy
could he have known the treasure he had
what a crazy thing to lose that joy
what a stupid thing to make an Angel sad

Medicate your Meditate

It strikes me with a harsh reality
that you will never be mind
or of Me.
You have taken some, wrong trail
some more difficult path
than I can follow, or even want to.
You have made your bed with a Gang of boys
who do not care or need but want;
All the wrong things and yet
you are fascinated with this?
You sit up late hoping, watching for someone,
to come;
You deceive us all, with a mystery
not even you can decode
It is all so pointless since you are lost,
your only code should be SOS,
but you wont listen to me;
And you have only remnants of a tattered love
for me you drag around for security
but someone else, got there before me
and that is your meditation
As always, try to see;
I Love...


What is life
without if,,,

To passion unseen,
I know it is insane
at least you feel so,
a thought of wanting,
and things undone
a sleepless dream
as the long tomorrow
craves the early morn.
The night desires,
a sun
As I,
like some
magic fingers
that warm
and run
through my hair;
And your imagination
talks with your friend
and you wonder,,,
what if?

That fearful night
Alone forever
brought you closer
and we breathe, together,
out of sight,
but not
out of thought...
I can find you
wandering in and out,
my eyes of blue
and green and gold.
I feel your soul
coming in,,, and out
of my heart
tip toeing light,
like a supernal Spirit.

W's Quantum Physics Theory

Now what is it YOU people
do not understand,!.?.
Naked Neanderthals have known
forever that there are
googles of brazillions
of unseen things
closer to us than fire
holding the fabric of universe
closely together
The relative answer
Sub-Atomic Elephants
are the basic units of structure,
They join trunk to tails
holding us and forever.
All the Snakes
and interesting Apes
are strong enough,
for a short embrace
but common sense
dictates that all our research
would lead to a place
where Quantum mechanics
would lay down there wrenches
to elementary chemistry,
The BASIC Atomic NUKEUler Elephants/.!,

Semper Fidelis

Forever Faithful

I have no flesh
nor blood,
no fingertips
but offer you this sincere promise now.
Had I the hands,
I'd smooth your troubled brow.
Had I the mouth,
I'd comfort your trembling lips.

When next you talk with Me; that dreaming place,
there is no need for you to walk alone.
The dream is yours,
so dream of flesh and bone.
Dream me a friendly body.
Dream me a remembered face;
And Dream yourself and I, Home,
To me, Waiting;

I didn't hear the bomb explode,
never felt a thing,
just thought you'd want to know.
I'll never be home again,
Tell,,,, Mom,,,
and Dad,
I'm a stain
in Baghdad. Just a Comma
In Time Semper Fi
Your only One.

Remember The Lie
That made Him DIE
(cr) 9/26/06 global

Laugh Orgy

Your spirit is a nonpayment assort;
an orgy of laughter with out creativity,
a monkey house of frivolous plight.
No concrete grasping, passion or mystery,
to you mystery is a misery
black from color or white.
Disintegrated on the mercy go round,
vigil of the horse in front.
Welcome after the circle's around;.
A heedless minutia of incident,
giggling like carved, painted smirks
of a dead, never known Artist.
Eavesdropping to the music's
never ending tin can sound forgot.
Devotion that is impure or disobedient,
pleased or lonely pleasant.

Confidants that are not acquaint,
faded resemblances not just!
Made of what they thought
they should be.
Nothing original sought,
the occasional random element
of a incidental fight:
And then in the middle of night,
boom boom out goes the light
and another day plugged
in to the same
440 volt, 2400 megawatt
standard dim lit flame!
What does it suggest?
Is it a zoo or a museum?
The circus life is now closed,
try and find your way home.
Have a banana, scratch,
and throw your crap on the wall...