Friday, November 03, 2006

Meet nature Head on

The Alision (to collide with a force of nature)

Like Aristotle,
I have surmised
from the other end
of the telescope
a microscope if you will
Not I; the center
of the universe
perhaps but the wriggle
of ancient reptile
that wafts
a warmer sun

I have seen
the event horizon
felt it's strong
pull impossible to out run
yet no it's known
a black heart sun
where only Demon
feeling women
Angels who've fallen
cavort and run
luring men
to seemingly
love and laugh
and play
but never to get away
leaving only blood and pain
waxing and wane

Out of your eye
love has passed you by
Out of my arms
your castle lay
in fiery ruins
Only cold blood lizards
will feast your heart
but will not taste
your commands
You fell backwards
into, alone
the dark abyss
You private Black Hole
where nothing
or no one escapes
not even your soul

L.H. L